Welcome to the Los Angeles County Committee Book portal. The Committee Book is a compilation of active Commissions, Committees, Joint-Powers Authorities, Self-Governing Special Districts, and Multi-Jurisdictional Agencies created by the County of Los Angeles. This portal will provide you with access to Commission Rosters which will allow you to prepare nominations for potential nominees to Commissions and Committees. The Board will have access to information in one location e.g., commission qualifications, factsheets, websites, attendance, and the ability to run reports. As a contact person of a Commission/Committee or Agency you can utilize the “Meeting” tab to record Commissions regular/special meeting attendance in real time for Board access.Also accessible by all is an annual meeting calendar of Citizens’ Advisory Commission meetings.
Contact Us
Los Angeles County Committee BookOffice Board of Supervisors
Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
500 West Temple Street, Room B-50
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 974-1400